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Bartow Cavalry, Florida CSA

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cosette Lewis,

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Information provided by Cosette Lewis, from the book Soldiers of Florida

Abbreviation Information

--------------          ------------
P = promoted            LC = Lt. Colonel
RS = resigned           MJ = Major
DG = discharged         CN = Captain
K = killed              S = Sergeant
W = wounded             CL= Corporal
D = died                P = Private
CP = captured           C = Colonel
TR = transferred        LC = Lt-Col
IM = imprisoned         QM = Quartermaster
DD = died of disease    SMJ = Sergeant-Majors
DW = died of wounds     QMS = Quartermaster-Sergeant
                        1L = 1st Lieutenant
                        2L = 2nd Lieutenants

BARTOW CAVALRY--CAPTAIN JOHN W. BRADY This Company was raised under an
order from Governor John Milton dated 11October 1861, and was ordered
attached to the 1st Cavalry Regiment, Florida State Troops, Colonel John
Bradford commanding. The mustering was done by John W. Brady and James L.
Winer, at Jacksonville, Fla., 14 October 1861, but there is nothing to show
where the Company served or when it was mustered out of service.


BRADY           JOHN W           CN    11OCT61
WINTER          JAMES L          1L    11OCT61
HANFORD         CHARLES C        2L    11OCT61
ROBINSON        S.I.             3L    11OCT61
ATKINSON        WILLIAM          P     11OCT61
BACON           JOHN G           P     11OCT61
BACON           SYLVESTA         P     11OCT61
BARBEE          JOSEPH A         P     11OCT61
BIGELOW         E                P     11OCT61
BIGELOW         LUCIUS           P     11OCT61
BROWN           E                P     11OCT61
BROWN           HEN              P     11OCT61
BURNEY          M                P     11OCT61
BURNHAM         WILLIAM          P     11OCT61
BYRNS           JOHN             P     11OCT61
DACOSTA         JOHN B           P     11OCT61
CANNON          DAVID M          P     11OCT61
CARMICHAEL      J                P     11OCT61
COX             HATCH            P     11OCT61
FAWCETT         J                P     11OCT61
FLYNN           CHARLES M        P     11OCT61
GARDNER         GEORGE           P     11OCT61
GARDNER         ISAAC            P     11OCT61
GARDNER         JOHN             P     11OCT61
GEIGER          JOHN             P     11OCT61
GOODSPEAD       C                P     11OCT61
GORDON          WILLIAM M        P     11OCT61
GRACE           MAJOR C          P     11OCT61
GUNN            S.W.             P     11OCT61
HAGIN           JOHN             P     11OCT61
HAGINS          JOSEPH R         P     11OCT61
HALL            WILLIAM J        P     11OCT61
HARTLEY         BENJAMIN         P     11OCT61
HARTLEY         FRANK            P     11OCT61
HARTLEY         GEORGE           P     11OCT61
HARTLEY         REDWICK          P     11OCT61
HIRSCH          G                P     11OCT61
HOGAN           REUBEN           P     11OCT61
HOLMES          ALEXANDER        P     11OCT61
HOUSTON         L                P     11OCT61
HUDNALL         JAMES            P     11OCT61
HUDNALL         SAMUEL           P     11OCT61
HUDWELL, JR.    FRANCIS          P     11OCT61
HUGHES          REUBEN           P     11OCT61
HURLBURT        JAMES            P     11OCT61
JAUDON, JR.     ELIAS            P     11OCT61
JAUDON          HENRY            P     11OCT61
JAUDON          WILLIAM          P     11OCT61
KERNAN          THOMAS           P     11OCT61
LACOURSE        JOSEPH           P     11OCT61
LORRICY         JOHN             P     11OCT61
LOW             COLUMBIA         P     11OCT61
MCFALL          CHARLES          P     11OCT61
MCGRAW          ROBERT           P     11OCT61
MATESS          THEODORE         P     11OCT61
MILLS           J.L.             P     11OCT61
MILLER          NATHANIEL W      P     11OCT61
MIRANDA         THOMAS           P     11OCT61
PETERSON        ARCHIBALD        P     11OCT61
PLUNK           MICHAEL          P     11OCT61
PUTY, JR.       GEORGE           P     11OCT61
RICHARDSON      JAMES            P     11OCT61
ROBERTS         JOSEPH           P     11OCT61
ROUSE           ANSEL            P     11OCT61
SHADD           JOHN D           P     11OCT61
SIDBERG         JOHN D           P     11OCT61
SILCOX          WADE             P     11OCT61
SILCOX          ISAAC            P     11OCT61
SPARKMAN        ALFRED           P     11OCT61
SPARKMAN        LUKE             P     11OCT61
SPARKMAN        WILLIAM          P     11OCT61
SPIERS          WILLIAM          P     11OCT61
SWEAT           ALFRED J         P     11OCT61
TURKNETT        JAMES            P     11OCT61
TURKNETT        LAWRENCE         P     11OCT61
WALDON          ROBERT           P     11OCT61
WEEDMAN         BERNARD          P     11OCT61
WEEDMAN         PHILLIP          P     11OCT61
WHEATON         T.J.             P     11OCT61
WHITAKER        JACOB            P     11OCT61
WILDEN          JOHN D           P     11OCT61
WILFORD         LEWIS            P     11OCT61

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