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Milton-Waldron clan

Starting on the left: girl is Fanny Adams Waldron; Grandma Laura---baby may be George or Johnnie w/Grandpa Gus and young girl is probably Aunt Louise; in the center is Laura's parents John Oliver and Elender Greene Waldron; Man behind them is Julian Waldron (half brother to Laura); Connie Waldron is right in the hat w/a bowtie, Aunt Ellen (first wife who is buried at Oak Lawn in LC, remember the blue house? Ellen is buried next to Gus and Bob's mother Louisa Kirkland Milton) is seated and Dora Waldron is the young girl w/her hand on Ellen. Uncle Bob, Gus' brother, is the man w/the dog.

File nameMilton-Waldron clan.jpg
File Size197.46k
Dimensions742 x 600
CaptionStarting on the left: girl is Fanny Adams Waldron;Grandma Laura---baby may be George or Johnnie w/Grandpa Gus and young girl is probably Aunt Louise; in the center is Laura's parents John Oliver and Elender Greene Waldron; Man behind them is Uncle Connie Waldron (half brother to Laura); Uncle Bob, Gus' brother, is right in the hat w/a bowtie, Aunt Ellen (first wife who is buried at Oak Lawn in LC,remember the blue house? Ellen is buried next to Gus and Bob's mother Louisa Kirkland Milton) is seated and Aunt Dora is the young girl w/her hand on Ellen. The man w/the dog is Aunt Dora's first husband Lester Carmichael, divorced in 1930.

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