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Florida 10th Infantry Co. D

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cosette Lewis,

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Information provided by Cosette Lewis, from the book Soldiers of Florida

Abbreviation Information

--------------          ------------
P = promoted            LC = Lt. Colonel
RS = resigned           MJ = Major
DG = discharged         CN = Captain
K = killed              S = Sergeant
W = wounded             CL= Corporal
D = died                P = Private
CP = captured           C = Colonel
TR = transferred        LC = Lt-Col
IM = imprisoned         QM = Quartermaster
DD = died of disease    SMJ = Sergeant-Majors
DW = died of wounds     QMS = Quartermaster-Sergeant
                        1L = 1st Lieutenant
                        2L = 2nd Lieutenants


BUCKMAN              THOMAS E.       CN                           P TO GENERAL STAFF
MICKLER              THOMAS M.       CN                           P CN FROM 2L
BUFFINGTON           JOHN C.         1L                           P ADJUTANT FROM 1L
MARTIN               E.              1L                9APR65     P 1L FROM 3RD & 2ND
RATCLIFF             W.B.            2L                9APR65
TAYLOR               JOHN M.         3L                9APR65
ADAMS                J.W.            P        FEB62    9APR65
ADAMS                JOSEPH W.       P
BARBER               JOHN            P
BLALOCK              T.F.            P
BOOTH                JOHN            P
BOOTH                BENJAMIN        P                            CL
BRONSON              G.W.            P
BROWN                A               P                 9APR65     IM FORT DELAWARE
BROWN                JOHN            P
CASE                 JOHN            P
CLARK                T.W.            P        27SEP61             W CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER JUL63
CLARK                WESLEY          P
CLEMENS              JAMES C.        P                 9APR65     2CL; W FARMVILLE, VA
CLEMENTS             J.C.            P                 9APR65
CLEMENTS             J.G.            P
CONNER               A.S.            P
COOPER               ISAM            P                            CL
COOPER               ROBERT          P
CREWS                A               P
CREWS                D.W.            P
CREWS                H.C.            P
CREWS                SAMUEL          P
DARLING              JOHN J.         P                 9APR65
DEAS                 F.P.            P
DAVIS                W.M.            P
DIOG                 J.C.            P
DOUGLASS             ELISHA          P                            MUSICIAN
EVERS                JESSE           P
EVELOTH              E               P                 9APR65
FERRAND              STEPHEN W       P                            W FERNANDINA JUN62 & DG; RE-ENLISTED IN
                                                                  ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT
FOWLER               MOSES           P
GILSON               GEORGE          P
GILSON               JOHN            P        11OCT61  9APR65     W OLUSTEE 20FEB64
GEIFFORD             WILLIAM         P
GEIGER               JOHN A          P
GREY                 CHARLES H.      P
GRIFFITHS            C.B.            P
HAISTEN              WILLIAM J.      P        4MAR61              DG FOR DISABILITY
HANNERHAN            E               P
HANHAW               B.D.            P
HARDEE               JOSEPH          P
HERNANDEZ            A               P                            S
HUMPHRIES            CHARLES D       P
HUMPHREYS            WILLIAM         P
HUNTER               HIRAM           P                 9APR65     W IN HEAD AND FOOT IN VA 63
HUTCHINS             WILLIAM         P
INGERVILLE           JAMES           P
JOHNSON              WILLIAM L       P
JOHNSON              JAMES           P
KEENE                JOSEPH B        P
KENNEDY              JAMES           P                            S
KNOWLES              A.J.            P
KNOWLES              GEORGE          P
KNOWLES              T.A.            P        14OCT61  15APR65    CP 64; IM HILTON HEAD, SC UNTIL CLOSE OF WAR
LEWIS                M.D.            P        MAR63    9APR65     W TURKEY RIDGE, VA 1MAY64
MCCABE               JAMES M         P                            1S
MCGOWAN              D.L.            P        DEC61    9APR65     W  BY R.R. CARS 1MAY64
MCGOWAN              J.N.            P                 9APR65
MCLAWS               JOHN K          P                 9APR65
MICKLER              DANIEL          P
MICKLER              JOHN H          P                            CL
MICKLER              PETER T         P                 9APR65
MICKLER              ROBERT          P
MICKLER              SAMUEL C        P
MORRIS               W.C.            P                 9APR65     2S
MUNSON               W               P                 9APR65
OLIVER               WILLIAM         P
OWENS                W.J.            P                 9APR65
PARKER               SIMON           P
PARKER               WILLIAM         P
PARMENTER            D.M.            P
PRICE                DAVIS           P
RATCLIFF             CARTER          P                            P S
RATCLIFF             W.B.            P
ROE                  JOHN T          P                 9APR65     3 CL
SCARBOROUGH          W.A.            P        4MAR62   9APR65     W COLD HARBOR 5MAY62
SESSIONS             JOSEPH          P
SHARPTON             A.M.            P                 9APR65
SHEPHERD             WILLIAM A       P                 9APR65     SHOT AT COLD HARBOR 3JUN64; D IN HOSPITAL
                                                                  AT RICHMOND, VA
SMITH                DAVID           P                 9APR65
SMITH                ISAAC           P
SMITH                JOSEPH          P
SOWELL               JOHN V          P                 9APR65     W BY R.R. ACCIDENT AT TALLAHASSEE, FL 10 MAR62
STUKEY               JAMES           P
SUMMERALL            T.J.            P                            IM FORT DELAWARE
SUMMERALL            HENRY           P
SWEAT                ALFRED          P
SYKES                JSOEPH          P
THOMPSON             E.F.            P                 9APR65     1CL
THOMPSON             JAMES           P                            MUSICIAN
TRACY                IRVIN           P
TURNER               OWIN            P
TUCKER               WILLOUGHBY      P
TYRE                 JOHN            P
VARNES               W.A.            P                 9APR65
WHITTLE              J.N.            P                 9APR65
WILKERSON            A               P                            CL
WILKERSON            BRYANT          P                 9APR65
WILKERSON            E               P                 9APR65
WILKERSON            JOHN            P                 9APR65     W OLUSTEE 20FEB64
WILLIS               JSOEPH          P
WILLIAMS             GEORGE J        P
WINCE                GEORGE C        P
WORTH                WILSON          P

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